Do Russian Women Want You?
Thousands of people visit Russia for various reasons. Some go in order to visit tourist attractions, while others visit in hopes of finding their ideal person in a Russian woman.
Russian beauty doesn’t just conquer the runway but also the hearts of the most romantic suitors. There’s no arguing that this is because they’re gorgeous, honest and fierce. And on top of these, they can be the most caring women as well.
It’s no question, if you’re looking for a long term relationship, a Russian lady might be the one you’re looking for. But the question is, are you the one she’s looking for?
What Russian Women Look for
Russian women, like any other women, have a list of requirements for their potential partner. Each and every one of them are looking for someone who can fit their ideals. Someone kind, honest, loyal — the list could go on, yet you’d only realize these are only basic characteristics of any good enough man.
If you’re hoping to date or simply impress a Russian woman, what should you do in order to stand out? The key to success isn’t too far away, take note of the following qualities and find out if you’re best fit for her.
Someone who values his looks. But not too much
Upon first impression, Russian women will observe you and notice if you look neat and presentable. For them, it doesn’t matter how expensive or cheap your clothes may be, as long as you look clean wearing them, and know how to carry yourself in them, then you can pass their standards.
But a man who worries too much about his appearance, and spends too much time — probably even more than his partner — grooming and preparing whenever they’re going out, gives rise to suspicion.
You need to care about tidiness and take care of yourself, sure. But definitely know your limit, and don’t go overboard. Giving too much fuss about your appearance will pass off negatively. It will certainly make you look more like a narcissist than an approachable and sincere man.
Appearance is important, but most of them believe it’s not that important. The main thing that a man should be is a man. Most of these women aren’t after perfection. So don’t try too hard to look perfect or handsome in order to impress them,
Someone who treats her like a goddess
In Russian culture, chivalry is not dead, and it will probably never die.
“Traditional” attitudes are still closely being followed in Russia, wherein men are expected to be gentlemen around women. And Russian women have seen it since their childhood, with how their fathers and men around them treat their women. Because of this, they don’t expect anything less.
They love to be treated like queens. So, if you want to impress them, acts such as opening and holding on doors, helping them take off their coats, and being protective of them are very well appreciated.
They won’t want to be with someone who will treat them any less of a lady.
But there’s also a boundary, because while this behavior is greatly encouraged, and though they will love it when you’re protective of them, try not to go too over the top with it as well. An overly protective man is commonly negatively viewed by them.
You may want to show them that you care, or make them feel safe and protected with you, but you still don’t want to suffocate her with your affection.
Someone who admires her no matter what
Often, most women in Russia regard themselves as objects of admiration, and that’s exactly what they expect from men. It doesn’t matter whether they are wearing make-up or not, or if they are experiencing bad hair days, they look for men who can still appreciate and admire them despite these.
Unconditional admiration, no matter the circumstances they’re in — Russian women will prefer men who will adore them, even if they don’t have particularly great achievements.
This is because they believe unconditional admiration leads to loyalty, and which woman doesn’t want that? They want to be certain that the man they’ll be won’t leave them for another woman. Russians want men who are caring and faithful. Someone who will choose to be with them until the end.
Someone goal-oriented
Apparently, Russian women aren’t too particular with a man’s financial position at present. They don’t necessarily automatically prefer someone with riches over those that aren’t. What’s more important to them are the man’s aspirations for the future.
In other words, they consider the future instead of being deliberate about the present. For Russian women, men should be able to achieve, if not now, something in the future.
They should have set goals and plans to achieve these, so they can be considered as good prospects for a partner. They want to be with someone hardworking. What better way to make her feel secure, than by being a goal-oriented man? These women are attracted to men who have plans for their future.
Someone who’s a doer, not just a talker
Most Russian women do not like talkative men as suitors, since they believe that the more you talk, the less serious you will seem. For them, a chatty man can make a good friend, but might not be a reliable partner.
It’s not really about them choosing only quiet men over the talkative ones, but rather, it’s about the acts of service — someone who would much rather show their intentions than talk about it. These women won’t like ramblers. They prefer the doers.
Someone who does not only say their “I love you’s”, but expresses them through different means. You can, for example, give her gifts every now and then. You can even move out of your way, and surprise her by learning Russian. Make sure she knows and sees that you care about her by showing it through your actions.
Are you the one for her?
Being someone’s ideal man can be hit-or-miss, especially since everyone has different ideals and you can’t be so sure if you’re doing things right. But when it comes to Russian women, dedication, sincere intentions and genuine behavior, can make winning their hearts easy.