Keeping Up with Active Russian Women You’re Dating
So, you’re dating Russian women. That’s really good for you. After all, dating such women is an enviable position, one in which many men would give up body parts for. Sure, those body parts aren’t needed for survival, but they’re still pretty important and a lot of guys are rather attached to them.
There’s just one little catch.
These women that you’re dating? Yeah, they’re a lot younger than you are and they have the boundless energy that comes with their youth and they’re going to be inclined to use that energy.
The problem is that you might not have the energy yourself to keep up with them. They want to go out and all you want to do is to curl up in bed. They want to get up bright and early for a hike or something like that, but you’re still sleepy. They want to stay out all night but you want to be in bed by 9 o’clock.
Here’s the thing about Russia and its gender roles: there’s an expectation for men to masculine — that’s the kind of man that Russian women have been taught to want when looking for a partner.
Part of that is being strong and virile and it’d be really difficult to project strength and virility when you can barely keep your eyes open.
So how can you project the masculine image that’s prevalent in Russia? And can you possibly embody that ideal? Well, there are a few steps you can take in order to have more energy and make keeping up with active women a lot easier.
Suggest more relaxing dates
There’s a great way to keep up with younger women and that’s to slow down the pace. This can work out with Russian women because men are expected to take charge anyway.
Some people like to go on hikes as a date or some other thing like that. But a hike can be really tiring. But you know what’s not tiring? Going to the theatre. Sitting down for dinner at a restaurant.
Sure, both of those options can be pretty pricey, but being able to pay for dates shows that you can be a provider. Men in Russia are expected to be providers, so you can embody some of the ideal masculine standards in Russia if you can’t project strength and virility.
Caffeine is your friend
You know the phrase fake it till you make it? Well, it applies to keeping up with younger, more energetic women. You may not feel more energetic, but you can increase your caffeine intake in order to feel like you have more energy.
You don’t necessarily have to drink a dozen cups of coffee every morning, but drinking a little more coffee in the morning can help. You don’t have to drink more cups, but maybe you can use a bigger one when you do have a cup of joe. If not, then maybe you can drink more tea throughout the day.
Caffeine’s also full of antioxidants, which is good for the body. Just don’t overdo it because too much of a good thing can be bad for you.
Once you’re done with the part where you’re faking it, it’s time to start with the part where you’re making it. There are a lot of people who can significantly increase their energy by exercising, as counterintuitive as that sounds. You don’t even have to exercise like you’re training for a marathon or some other test of endurance.
A half an hour of walking five times a week can go a long way towards increasing your energy levels.
Be forewarned, take it slow. Going too fast, too soon can be pretty damaging for your body and can have the opposite effect of trying to keep up with a younger woman.
Deep sleep
It’s not enough to get 8 hours of sleep a night. You need to make sure that those 8 hours count when it comes to rest. If you spend hours of sleep tossing and turning and constantly just being on the edge of being woken up, you’re going to wake up tired.
Conversely, if you spend those 8 hours in a sleep so deep you might as well be dead, you’re going to wake up pretty refreshed, ready to go out carpe diem. Good sleep leads to more energy and alertness. A lot of people who are always tired just don’t sleep as well as they should.
If you want deeper sleep, try a sleep mask to block ambient light and a white noise machine to block the ambient noise that is native to a populous city like St. Petersburg.
If you have a hard time getting to sleep at all, you can try melatonin. You can either chew some gummies or down a drink. But some extra melatonin can help you get to sleep more easily.
Go green
A great way to boost your energy levels and improve your health in general is to eat more plant-based food. No, not French fries or mashed potatoes, but actual, leafy greens. You don’t have to become a vegetarian or a vegan if you’re not already following that lifestyle. But adding some extra fruits and vegetables can be great for your health.
So pack your plate with some extra greens. It may not happen right away, but with some consistency, you’ll feel the results.
You might even want to try some borscht. It’s a dish that’s very popular in Russia made from beetroot soup and packed with meat and vegetables, so it’s a pretty complete and balanced meal in and of itself.
Some women like guys who are athletic. They like guys who run marathons and do triathlons. But even when girls don’t like super athletic guys, they’re probably still going to want guys who are at least capable of going out and having fun.
But the kind of fun that younger women like having can be pretty draining. So it’s best to deepen your reserves so as to not get left in the dust.
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