How to Be Polite to Russian Ladies
Being polite to Russian ladies is an excellent way to develop healthy relationships with them and to make them feel comfortable and valued around you. Although you may have different societal norms regarding what is and is not acceptable, learning how to be polite in general is simple. Believe me when I say that being polite could become a habit after a bit of practice.
Cut Back on Eye Contact during the First Few Dates
Russian society is still a bit conventional compared to other Western societies. If truth be told, most Russian parents tend to instill a sense of toughness in their children through pieces of advice and, sometimes, scolding. Consequently, many Russian ladies have grown up expecting the worst from other people, especially strangers.
In contrast, these ladies might avoid eye contact with you not because they are shy or hardened women but because they likely expect the worst from you. Try to understand that making eye contact with them could be perceived as a sign of aggression, perversion, or rudeness, so look them in the eyes only a little over half the time.
Avoid Cussing in Their Presence
The Internet has unjustifiably presented the Russians as people who swear in almost every conversation.
But that is not entirely true.
Like many other groups of people, Russians do swear a lot. However, Russians try not to swear in public since they consider this extremely rude, much less the ladies.
In all fairness, the Russian language makes it easier to express your feelings because it has specific words that aim to make a point, and these words have no English equivalents. But that does not mean that Russian ladies will tolerate rude behavior, such as cursing during dates.
Choose your words wisely and try to keep your language tame.
Maintain Good Hygiene and Put Importance to Fashion
Most Russian ladies love to put on makeup and wear fabulous clothes. Some would not even think of being seen in public without having their nails done. It is not an exaggeration if someone would tell you that the typical girl in Russia would make it a habit to visit her regular beauty salon.
That said, it is only fair for them to expect you to, at least, shower and moisturize your skin daily. To boot, most Russian ladies would even insist that you keep your hair clean, neat, and out of your face.
Fashion and hygiene might not seem like an integral part of being polite. For example, a plain-looking guy could behave more gentlemanly than a suit-clad one. Regardless, Russian ladies genuinely believe that hygiene and fashion are significant factors of being polite.
Now, you may find it taxing to keep up with how these ladies take care of their bodies. Even so, good hygiene practices and dressing sharp may be non-negotiable to them. So, think of it as a self-improvement program and stick with it. You might even thank them later!
When in Doubt, Observe How Other Men Behave around Russian Ladies
Are you used to greeting someone with a hug? Do you and your friends usually discuss money and work? These are a couple of scenarios wherein it is completely acceptable to talk about in most Western societies, but not in Russia.
Different situations entail different customs that often define being polite or impolite. So, when you are unsure how to behave around Russian ladies, turn to local men for guidance.
Remember: Being polite goes a long way into winning the heart of a Russian lady.
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